This is the first training recap post, so it should be interesting to see what form it takes. When I read other training recaps, they often incorporate distances, but it’s not going to make sense for me here. I hopped back on my bike Jan 2, 2020 and started my journey back toward building my fitness. When my mom got sick in October and then passed in late November, I took a bunch of time off from training. I had started training for Ironman Canada 2020 in September last year, but then I pre-prioritized. It was the right thing to do for me, and when I look back, I don’t regret the choices I made. After about a week of cycling, I finally messaged my coach and let her know I was ready!
Swam twice, two 900m swims. My first swim back after taking some time off, we just did a buoy-only swim. The second was a couple days later and we started incorporating paddles back in.

2 bike sessions for a total of 1h140m. One was a heavy intervals session, and the other was big gear work. Both sessions felt great. I felt strong.
I had one run session and could have had one run session but traded it for a snowshoe with Justin. It was short hill reps, which I love. I started incorporating them in my training in 2017, and I attribute that as one of a couple of key types of sessions that helped build my run speed.

2h17min of snowshoeing! It didn’t feel like much at the time, but I was pretty tired that evening, and my legs were sore the next day. Especially my calves! I also did a couple of abs sessions to build on my core strength.

Overall, I feel pretty good so far. 31 weeks feels close, but I’m being reassured by my coach that we have plenty of time.
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