Welcome to my Ironman Canada Training Recap – 28 weeks. It’s 28 weeks to race day. If you missed last week’s training recap, find there here. I felt stronger this week compared to last week. And I didn’t feel like I was dragging my butt into my rest day. We covered a bit of distance on the swims this week, and I got a couple of compliments too. A friend said I seemed more confident. And someone at the pool called me a fish! I’ve seen him a few times now, we seem to have the same swim schedule.
Ironman Canada Training Recap – 28 Weeks

2 swims, 2300m and 2400m. Like I said before, I felt much stronger on the swims this week. I’ve been working on entering the water wider and speeding up my turnover. I’ve been doing a lot of swims with paddles. And the 2400m swim was all paddles. I feel a lot better than last week with regard to my swims. I often sneak out for lunchtime swims, but because the distances are getting much longer, I think I might have to switch up my schedule soon.
Only 1 this week, a heavy intervals session. We do this one every single week without fail. And we only had one bike session this week, since we are trading out the long bike session for a day of skiing! We did 1 heavy intervals session, and I felt pretty strong. I hit new resistances again on the bike, but I wasn’t able to hit as many high heavy intervals as last week.
When I told my coach we wanted to go skiing this weekend, I will admit, I was a little disappointed to see we were going to swap the bike session out vs the run. Though, I suppose we have the BMO Half Marathon coming up pretty soon in, so it makes complete sesnse. That race is only 11 weeks away, so I should definitely be working on the runs!
2 sessions. A hilly session as well as a 1 hour and 45 minute long run. I think I mentioned it last week that I had a bit of knee pain after my bike and run sessions, so I spent some time rolling out my legs after my bike session, as well as my long run. This week, I felt a lot better on my long run. I think it helped that most of the run was at 2% on the treadmill, so I got to activate some different muscles. Not a single twinge of knee pain today. I also did a new set of post-run stretches, and I think that helped too.

The long-run called for the warmup, then 45 minutes at a moderate effort at 2% incline. Then a 5km best effort, then into the cooldown. I didn’t bother texting my coach to ask her to clarify if I needed to run the 5k effort at the 2% incline too and decided to run that at 2% incline too. I figured it would be great for training.
Other Activities
We’re spending a day at Big White to go skiing. It’s the first time all season that we’ve gone skiing. It was such a nice day! Visibility wasn’t great, but there was so much champagne powder. It was pretty busy because it was Family Day weekend in BC, but it was still really enjoyable. We skied at a very leisurely pace because we had a long run the day before and I didn’t want to have fried legs for my heavy intervals workout the following day.
Overall Thoughts
I was listening along to an amazing class with Chase Tucker on Peloton Digital, and I never usually take his classes. But I really liked how in the last segment where he asked us to give our best efforts. And he said that didn’t necessarily mean the highest number on the tread, but that it could mean being the most present or being in control of that self-talk. That really resonated with me, and I bucked up a bit. He also said something that made me commit to evolving my self-talk.
Chase said something along the lines of, do not tell yourself that this is good enough, but ask yourself can you do more? Can you do better? And I absolutely LOVED that. Lately, I have been dreading small parts of my workouts, like when I read that I had to do a 5km effort after an hour of running in my long run. Or like seeing 2 10x100m in my swim workout.
I immediately started thinking about what speeds I should set the treadmill at, instead of just going out big, and scaling back if I had to. I think it’s the ego. And a bit of limiting behavior. And I know not every workout has to be a complete sweat fest. Anyway, I don’t know when it happened where my inner voice became not so nice. But I’m working on it. Positive self-talk is just like a muscle, and you have to work on it all the time.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my latest Ironman Canada training recap – 28 Weeks. Below the form are all the previous recaps for your reading pleasure!
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All Ironman Canada Training Recaps
Here are all the previous Ironman Canada training recaps for your reading pleasure!
[…] – 27 Weeks! There’s only 27 weeks to race day. Last week’s training recap is here, in case you missed it. I felt pretty good with getting all my training done this week. It was a […]