When we went to Palm Springs last year, we didn’t do much… by that we mean we tried to chill and relax as much as possible. It’s pretty apparent in our Palm Springs Guide. And we’re happy with that, it was exactly the point of that vacation. We hung around the hotel grounds, went out to eat at some awesome restaurants, and just chilled. This year, we thought we would try and check out some more of the sights and sounds in Palm Springs. We love art and design, and the mid-century modern is one of our favorite looks. It seemed like the perfect idea to do our very own Palm Springs Door Tour.
Here is a smattering of photos. It doesn’t feel like our place to publish the specific addresses of these doors. So just do a quick Google search of “pink door palm springs” and replace it with any colour, you’ll get the specific addresses of the homes. Look up “party lions palm springs” and that’ll put you in the area and neighborhood you need to be in.

How to get around
A lot of these Palm Springs Door Tour houses are in the same neighborhood. While not all of them have coloured doors, a majority of them are still stunning! Beautifully designed, with equally stunning landscaping. We just drove around because we didn’t know how far apart the houses would be. And it was too cold despite the sun shining and blue skies, so we weren’t dressed appropriately.
If you’re staying nearby, say at the classic Palm Springs hotel, Saguaro, they usually have hotel bikes, so you can definitely tour on a bicycle. There seemed to be big bike lanes on the roads, and it’s not much to navigate with traffic.
What time is best?
The light in Palm Springs is beautiful, especially the few hours in the afternoon close to sunset. That is probably the best time to go do your own door tour. The light isn’t too harsh and you won’t have extremely light and dark areas in your photos. We didn’t have all day so we just went around 11am and the pictures still turned out fine.

The Party Lions house is a fun one to visit because the owners dress up the lions. When I was doing research, it looks like they are often dressed up with pool toys.

The Pink Door house is apparently all the rage. We took this picture from the street. Didn’t even get out of the car. I’m pretty sure you don’t need permission to stand in the street to take a photo of a building, and that includes houses.

Overall, we really enjoyed driving around these neighbourhoods in Palm Springs. We love admiring different designs of houses. The coloured doors are what initially attracted us to do our own door tour. But when we got there, we were just taken away with how beautiful the designs of the homes were, as well as the manicured landscaping. It really makes me wish we could have those huge, full-blown cacti at home in our garden since we do xeriscaping!
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